Applied Biosystems ViiA 7 rtPCR system

Facility ViiA7 rtPCR system

The Facility ViiA7 is a highly productive and user friendly rtPCR system in a full Biosafety level 2 room. Featuring the OptiFlex system, the ViiA 7 System provides enhanced fluorescence detection, enabling more accurate and sensitive data analysis.

Intrument details:
• Easy touch-screen interface
• Compatible with the full range of Taqman® Assays including the TaqMan® Array Microfluidic Cards
• 6 decoupled excitation and emission filter channels for the greatest number of dye combinations and maximum multiplexing capabilities
• 6 emission filters (500 – 720nm), 6 excitation filters (450 – 670nm)
• 384 well block
• Flexible data collection: multiple ramp-method detection formats provide more flexibility for collecting data during a temperature ramp stage

• TaqMan assay compatible
• Micro Fluidic Cards compatible
• Multiplex assay
• Multi ramp methods